111 Rabbanith Ruth Menashe – Kislew: Its Meanings and Message
Rabbanith Ruth Menashe’s amazing Shiur for women, about the Jewi...
- July 14, 2015
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0104 Rabbanith Ruth Menashe – Joy in Celebrating Sukkoth
Rabbanith Ruth Menashe’s Shi’ur for women: Insight into th...
- July 14, 2015
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0103 Rabbanith Ruth Menashe – Don’t Let G-d Catch You Sleeping
Rabbanith Ruth Menashe’s Shi’ur for women: Preparing for Y...
- July 14, 2015
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Rabbanith Ruth Menashe: 0102 Preparing Ourselves for the Day of Judgment
Rabbanith Ruth Menashe’s Shi’ur for women: Preparing for R...
- July 14, 2015
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Rabbanith Ruth Menashe: Detoxifying Our Souls
A stirring message by the Rabbanith Ruth Menashe on Detoxifying Our So...
- July 14, 2015
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הקפות שניות: מדרש בן איש חי – Alef Beh (Alef Bet) Haqqafoth Mosei Simhath Torah: Midrash BEN ISH HAI
Every Mosei Simhath Torah (after the conclusion of Simhath Torah (Ashk...
- July 14, 2015
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Women and the All Night Shabu’oth Tiqqun
Are women also obligated to stay up all night on Shabu’oth (Shav...
- July 14, 2015
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The Hanukkah Message – Spiritual vs. Physical
Short lecture about Hanukkah given to Jewish Singles by Rabbi Ya’...
- June 30, 2014
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