Ridding Ourselves of the Hamess Within – Esther Menashe
Special Shi’ur for Pesah and the month of Nissan.
Esther Menashe speaks about the comparison between Hamess and the Evil Inclination (Yeser Hara’), and how to merit redemption. Must watch!
See more at https://www.nonstoptorah.com
Brought to you by Midrash BEN ISH HAI – http://www.midrash.org
For the ‘Illui Neshama of Rabbi Ya’aqob Menashe, ‘a”h, (H”R Ya’aqob Eliyahu ‘Abdallah Faraj Hayyim ben Rahel)
pesach, pesah, peasch, passover,hametz, chometz, chametz, hamess, yeser hara, yetzer hara, evil inclination, getting rid of hamess, getting rid of leaven before passover, chodesh nissan, hodesh nissan, month of nissan, pesach shiur, passover lecture, shiur for pesach, shiur for pesah, nisan, jewish, free online Shiur
One Comment
Dear Esther Menashe & Family,
Thank you so much for your awe inspiring words of Torah.
I’m sure that your dear father & mother, A”H are looking down from heaven and are so proud of you -The beautiful young lady that you are. Your siblings are all great as well.
I remember you as a little girl playing-running in and out of the Midrash in Rego Park, Queens. Your father was so happy and was always smiling. I believe that you truly were the apple of your father’s eye.
May your parents have an Aliyot in Shamayim. Amen.
May the whole family grow in Torah, Mitzvot & spreading the words of Hakodesh Baruch Hu. Amen.
Michaela & Family