Rabbi Ya’aqob Menashe – Pesah: Breathtaking Redemption
Powerful insights into the Haggadah and the Exodus from Egypt.
//www.nonstoptorah.com">Non Stop Torah</a></span><b , Pesah, Pesach, Peysach, Geullah, Redemption, Sedra of the week, ashkenazi sephardi, sephardic parasha, jewish, free online torah shiur video</span>
One Comment
WOW, Kol Hakavod dear Rav. This talk is fantastic, brilliant, never knew The point about the marital relations.I will have my Rebbe, Chofetz Chaim, hear it later, and also send it to his replacement, Ner Yisroel.Stay well. This will also give our sick son in law some much needed Chizuk. Thanks a mill.