Rabbi Ya’aqob Menashe: Bridging the Light and Night of Our Lives
Understanding the light and night in all our lives.
A most powerful and informative video by Rabbi Ya’aqob Menashe. Just like Hanukkah leads to Tebeth, so too life is a combination of light and dark. Can it allways be good?
You will learn amazing things.
Brought to you by Midrash BEN ISH HAI – http://www.midrash.org
For the ‘Illooi Neshama of Rabbanith Ruth Menashe (Ruth bath Ahuva)
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<p>Bridging the Light and the Night of Our Lives – Rabbi Ya’aqob Menashe from
<a href="https://www.nonstoptorah.com">Non Stop Torah</a>
Keywords:jewish women, greeks, hanukkah, hannukah, light and dark in life, pain and happiness, suffering and rejoicing, chanukah, teiveis, tevet, tebet, tebeth