Rahel Immenu, Our Beloved Matriarch, ‘a’h
Rabbanith Ruth Menashe, ‘a”h, was passionate about Rahel Immenu, ‘a”h, as can be witnessed in her videos. Her daughter, Sara Duani, shares insights into Rahel Immenu, ‘a”h, and how her mother, Rabbanith Ruth, ‘a”h, introduced her to Rahel Immenu at a young age.
A truly amazing speech.
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<p>Sara (Menashe) Duani: Rahel Immenu, ‘a”h, Our Beloved Matriarch. From
<a href=”https://www.nonstoptorah.com”>Non Stop Torah</a>
Keywords:Rachel Imenu, Rahel Imenu, Sara Duani, Rabbanith Ruth Menashe, inspirational video, women’s video, Torah for women