A Crucial Time – Sukkoth to Pesah, by Rabbi Ya’aqob Menashe
This video is a real eye opener. Given by the powerful and erudite Rabbi Ya’aqob Menashe, it makes us realize how crucial the time between Sukkoth and Pesah is.
Who would have thought!
Brought to you by Midrash BEN ISH HAI – http://www.midrash.org
For the ‘Illooi Neshama of Rabbanith Ruth Menashe (Ruth bath Ahuva)
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<p>A Crucial Time; Sukkoth to Pesah – Rabbi Ya’aqob Menashe from
<a href="https://www.nonstoptorah.com">Non Stop Torah</a>
Keywords:sukkoth, sukkot, pesach, pesah, passover, geulah, mashiach, mashiyah